Jeff Lebby’s third job after Baylor connected him with a man who previously employed his brother-in-law. Lane Kiffin received the opportunity to rebuild the Ole Miss Rebels after Matt Luke was a bit of a stopgap in the post-Hugh Freeze era. 

And while Luke did a pretty good job of piecing together a roster that was full of talent on the offensive side of the ball, he didn’t win much. But he did assemble a team that Kiffin and Lebby could immediately have a ton of fun with. And they scored a ton of points in some really fun ways during that 2020, weird COVID year.

Kiffin ended up getting Lebby out of Orlando and into the SEC, where they quickly got to work getting the Ole Miss Rebels moving in the right direction as a program. Things weren’t perfect in year one, but a steady and solid foundation was laid for success for the future. 

And, well, they scored a lot of points in year one as well.

  1. Ole Miss had several solid receivers, but Elijah Moore was by far the most successful
  2. 2020 Ole Miss Rebels stats: Wide receivers

This is part of a project of tracking the entirety of Jeff Lebby’s offenses (prior to his stop in Starkville, for now at least). So, here you go. This is just one slice of the project.

Ole Miss had several solid receivers, but Elijah Moore was by far the most successful

While he was at UCF, Lebby was able to get the ball distributed to a number of different wide receivers in a pretty effective manner, but he had four clear leaders in that regard. During the 2020 season with the Ole Miss Rebels, Lebby’s offense moved the ball to a number of different receiving threats (but a few happened to be running backs and tight ends). 

But the passing attack still relied heavily upon wide receivers. Well, one wide receiver in particular. Elijah Moore was a dominant threat in the passing game for Lebby and the Rebels. He managed to catch 86 passes for 1193 yards and 8 touchdowns.

After Moore, there’s a bit of a cliff for the Rebels’ passing attack. Braylon Sanders caught 15 passes for 376 yards and four touchdowns. Jonathan Mingo and Dontario Drummond each had over 300 yards receiving and they combined for 9 touchdowns. But, for the most part, Moore was the real threat there.

2020 Ole Miss Rebels stats: Wide receivers

Elijah Moore861,19313.878
Braylon Sanders1537625.074
Jonathan Mingo2434914.543
Dontario Drummond1930716.166
Jadon Jackson144.000

Again, that’s not a comprehensive look at the receiving stats from Ole Miss, that’s just from the wide receivers. Ole Miss got Snoop Conner, Jerrion Ealy, and various others involved in this area as well. Kenny Yeboah, a really talented tight end, added 27 receptions for 524 yards and 6 touchdowns.

The Rebels’ passing attack was pretty good, but it wasn’t quite as dynamic as the running game was (but that’s for another post elsewhere as part of this project).

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